Intercom Live chat

Intercom Live Chat is a dynamic customer engagement platform that revolutionizes real-time communication between businesses and customers. It seamlessly blends chatbots and human interactions, offering personalized and immediate assistance. Important features include Smart Inbox, which consolidates messages from various channels for efficient agent responses, Automated Messages for proactive engagement, and Message Templates for consistent communication.

The Collaborative Workspace enables teams to work together on resolving queries. With Visitor Segmentation, businesses can target specific audiences, enhancing user experiences. Real-time Typing Indicators provide instant feedback, fostering interactive conversations. App Integrations expand functionalities, and Analytics offer insights for continuous improvement. Through its intuitive interface and versatile tools, Intercom Live Chat empowers businesses to provide exceptional customer support, build strong relationships, and drive growth.

Intercom pricing starts from $74 / month

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Live chat

From $55/month/agent

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Starts at Free

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From € 39 /user/ month

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